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Story Time with a Park Ranger @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Aug 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Story Time with a Park Ranger @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge | Trenton | Michigan | United States

Let’s gather together to hear a story (or two) read aloud from a Park Ranger. We will also sing a few songs and get some wiggles out. Afterward, feel free to explore all that our Visitor Center has to offer.

This event is intended for young children.

No tickets are required, BUT registration is requested via Eventbrite –



Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Aug 17 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge | Trenton | Michigan | United States

Work with biological staff at the refuge to remove invasive species across refuge units. Opportunities to learn about native habitat, invasive species, and environmental stewardship. These workdays will be at different units working to remove different invasives depending on the day.

Be prepared for hard manual labor outdoors in potentially adverse conditions. Potential species to work with are garlic mustard, European frog bit, common buckthorn, and potentially more.

FREE EVENT, Sign up using the Eventbrite link, more information about each day to follow for those who sign up.

Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Sep 21 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge | Trenton | Michigan | United States

Work with biological staff at the refuge to remove invasive species across refuge units. Opportunities to learn about native habitat, invasive species, and environmental stewardship. These workdays will be at different units working to remove different invasives depending on the day.

Be prepared for hard manual labor outdoors in potentially adverse conditions. Potential species to work with are garlic mustard, European frog bit, common buckthorn, and potentially more.

FREE EVENT, Sign up using the Eventbrite link, more information about each day to follow for those who sign up.

Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Oct 12 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge | Trenton | Michigan | United States

Work with biological staff at the refuge to remove invasive species across refuge units. Opportunities to learn about native habitat, invasive species, and environmental stewardship. These workdays will be at different units working to remove different invasives depending on the day.

Be prepared for hard manual labor outdoors in potentially adverse conditions. Potential species to work with are garlic mustard, European frog bit, common buckthorn, and potentially more.

FREE EVENT, Sign up using the Eventbrite link, more information about each day to follow for those who sign up.

Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Nov 9 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Invasive Species Work Days @ Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge | Trenton | Michigan | United States

Work with biological staff at the refuge to remove invasive species across refuge units. Opportunities to learn about native habitat, invasive species, and environmental stewardship. These workdays will be at different units working to remove different invasives depending on the day.

Be prepared for hard manual labor outdoors in potentially adverse conditions. Potential species to work with are garlic mustard, European frog bit, common buckthorn, and potentially more.

FREE EVENT, Sign up using the Eventbrite link, more information about each day to follow for those who sign up.

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