Join us for our 4th Annual Wild Game Dinner! Indulge in a feast of exotic meats while raising funds for Riverview Football!! Live Music by Wisteria, Gun, Basket, and 50/50 Raffles!
Join us for a chance to see Great Horned Owls, Barred Owls and Screech Owls. Oh My!
Great Horned Owls will have been nesting since early February, Barred Owls will just be beginning in March, and Screech Owls will be getting ready to nest. Since they are defending territories, playing an owl tape or imitating their calls will likely bring them in where we can see them by lantern light. Headlamp and/or flashlight recommended! We cannot guarantee that we will see owls at this event, but we have had success in prior years.
We will meet at the Grosse Ile Yacht Club for a brief presentation, then head out for owling.
Leaders: Jim B. & Bruce S. (Subject to change)
***After registering, you will receive Detroit Bird Alliance’s bi-monthly e-newsletter, Flyway Express. You may unsubscribe at any time. **
Come see the methods used to collect maple sap and learn how the maple tree helped sustain early Americans. Program will begin indoors learning about the history of maple sugaring before heading outside to visit three sugaring “camps.”
While visiting these camps discover how maple sugaring has changed, and in many ways stayed the same, throughout history.
All ages. $4 per child / $6 per adult. Advanced pre-registration required online or call 734-782-3956.
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